Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Unintended consequences cause brain-hurting efforts to figure out exactly what constitutes irony

Update... the site in question is back up (on and off) which makes this less funny (if it was in fact funny in the first place); in any event I guess you can see what the ding dang hoo haw is all about for yourself now.

So, humorous legal ripostes to dumb-ass cease-and-desist notices are funny which is why when middling-sized township West Orange, NJ sicced its lawyers on some fellow for running a website that featured the-township-name-dot-info - ostensibly due to some "falsely create the impression blah blah blah" B.S. but probably actually because his website said the Township Fathers were dumb jerks or something, the website owner's pro-bono lawyer's droll retort ended up on  Or someplace like that.  Which got dugged on Digg which probably still means something though definitely not what it did in, say, August 2011.

Which I suppose has caused all and sundry to become aware that the Township Fathers of West Orange, NJ are indeed kind of dumb jerks because of UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES.  That's irony... right?

But wait!  On the heels of this publicity foul-up I typed "" into my browser to see what the all the ding dang hoo haw was about and apparently I wasn't the only one, as what I received was a 508 RESOURCE LIMIT IS REACHED, which is to say dude's cheap-ass hosting (that his lawyer held forth as one of the points of ridicule with which to lash said Township Fathers' Lawyer for behaving as if it could reasonably be mistaken for Official Township Websites) got hit like a Angry Birds PiƱata by all the rubber inter-neckers like yours truly and was removed from off the line to cool off.  So as a result of protecting his website from illegal threat of being taken down dude ends up getting his website taken down.  508 UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES LIMIT IS REACHED.

P.S. so it looks like remains (inexplicably!) up for grabs, so have at it!  Surely no one would try to sue you for "falsely create the impression blah blah blah".  Right?

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