Monday, April 03, 2006

Here's a new concept: make your own, uh, noise

The great thing about having a phree and "legal" MP3 blog is that you don't have to stick to any contextual guidelines. Boodler is not really an MP3 site at all, though I did download the four sample clips because I like having these weird brief interlude files cluttering up my music folders, to add color to random shuffles in iTunes. Boodler is in fact a "soundscape" generation software device, and I couldn't tell you much about it because while I've downloaded it I haven't yet tried to get it to run on my iMac. I think I need the developer kit installed, and I think I don't have it installed, anymore, so it might not work. Anyway.

Scrivener downloaded... (please read the download etiquette note)

Practice download etiquette: Rather than just clicking on MP3 links, please right click + "save as" (Windows) or control+click and "Download Linked File" (Mac). It will reduce the artists' bandwidth demands!

Don't know what this is? Read the FAQ

The Phree Musique Store

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