Saturday, December 31, 2005

Post-Holiday Hangover: Savage Hogg

If you wanna know my opinion, this is precisely why the internets exist, and I'm not just saying that because I'm acquainted with one of the savage principals. There was a time that whatever thrashing discordance one produced in one's garage or basement ended there. That age is over. This is the new age, the age of Savage Hogg. It probably rises up from the hive subconcious of the postmodern id, or something. When I listen to the grinding vocals and ponderous fretwork of Jingle Bells, though, the one thing I think is: Christmas. Actually, the one thing I think is, why aren't there a billion blogs like this? The entire infosphere must be suffused with the noise of those creators who obstinately persist outside of all rational systems. Actually, the one thing I think is "I wonder when was the last time that guy changed his guitar strings?"

Next week, holiday vacation ends and regular updates begin again, maybe, including the return of phree phreakin' phridays. Rock your New Years hard.

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Savage Nogg: Jingle Bells

Practice download etiquette: Rather than just clicking on MP3 links, please right click + "save as" (Windows) or control+click and "Download Linked File" (Mac). It will reduce the artists' bandwidth demands!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At last, I know what Animal of the Muppet Show Band has been up to since that classic show's cancellation!
this blogger's sister