Saturday, March 29, 2008

Epilogue for the Devil

I tend to get in over my head when I get into serial essays like this... The same thing happened when I gamely attacked the history of recorded music. I mean, damn, that's a... lot of text. But I am, perhaps, out of my depth.

But beyond that, and (to me at least) much more importantly, I'm tired of reading, thinking and writing about the pop cartels and their minions. Though it's easy to get distracted from it by current events, my whole purpose in writing this thing is not to talk about the big names and their usual games. iTunes is the last major-label-centric store left for me to review for now and I'm looking forward to getting into all the real alternatives and the solo artists - the true independents. I'm sure plenty of other people will chew over the oscillating fortunes of Sony, Universal, Warner and EMI. I'm going to put the focus back on the reviews - with the occasional interview or essay about the real news in the music business: the pioneers who have long been learning to ride the wave of technological change that the major labels are still trying to control.

See previous reviews and submit sites for review at that Index Page

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