Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hungarian Music Defies Clever Headlines

When I think of Hungary... yeah, that's it, I draw a complete blank. The very vaguest of visual ephemera, probably utterly generic Eastern European/Former Soviet Bloc scenery and costumery drecked out of the great common semiconsciousness of teevee, slip through my mind. I can say this though: Hungarian Music sounds precisely like I would expect it to sound. Bunches of music, of utterly questionable legal provenance, for some reason because it's Hungarian it just doesn't seem that relevant.

Scrivener downloaded... (please read the download etiquette note)
Felment az en rozsam Pestre

Practice download etiquette: Rather than just clicking on MP3 links, please right click + "save as" (Windows) or control+click and "Download Linked File" (Mac). It will reduce the artists' bandwidth demands!

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Anonymous said...

surely this must represent the worst of hungarian music, a hack wedding band or something...

i think this could really benefit from being processed by a fast growing fungus.

Andrea Gerák said...

I was curious to hear these Hungarian things but the links don't work...

scrivener said...

It does appear that this link has gone defunct. Sorry for the stale HTML but I'm unable to maintain this site anymore.