Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Corn Dogs for the Pickin'

MF Doom is one of these rappers who seems to generate loose, loping flows of laid back rhyme much like an apple tree generates apples. DJ Dangermouse may currently be best known for the "Grey Album", a conflation of the Beatles' White Album and Jay Z's Black Album which is enough of a cultural artifact now that it is reliably available despite being totally illegal. This aside, Dangermouse is a prolific remixer.

When these two radical vectors collide with the Cartoon Network's experimental media laboratory Adult Swim, the resultant "Danger Doom" is a free roaming, monstrously self-referential acid treat I can't make heads or tails of. But they're giving away free MP3s, so hey. I think the lyrics may be, you know, unsuitable for minors. But I can't really tell.

Scrivener downloaded...
A full EP is now available at Adult Swim - download Occult Hymn here.

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Monday, May 15, 2006

Summer Vacation is Almost Over

Alright, I've been needing a bit of a break. Regular updates will resume in June, though still at a reduced pace (probably only one a week) until the garden no longer needs attention, which will be I dunno, some time in September or so? Please do check back in around the first week of June.

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